Photo by Bella Zhornist
Fell asleep thinking that a year is shorter than I previously believed it was. I recently listened to a Tony Robbins interview where he talked about the fact that most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and underestimate what they can do in 10 or 20 or 30.
I totally felt that.
2016 hasn’t exactly “flown by”—it was a very full year—(at least for me), but I can recall the spectrum of the past 363 and 1/2 days pretty well. The gift that it gives me is more resolve to aim to do less in 2017.
I’m really not a fan of linearity. Linear time. Linear thinking. I was a little hesitant to review “the year” because it reinforces the idea that linear time markers should be paramount in our worldview—that we are beholden to viewing our lives and our actions through the lens of man-made (read: colonizer) time.
Colonizers haven’t always ruled ’round here.
Photo by Bella Zhornist. HAIR: HeatfreeHair.
I’m interested in connecting more deeply with the cycles of the seasons and paying attention to what differences in Living I feel in those times. After a few years now of searching hard and long for ways to be more “productive” and “useful” I just want to do what’s natural.
What feels RIGHT (which, bt-dubs, doesn’t always means it feels good).
So, the Earth will complete its full revolution around the sun today, according to our estimations. This is something to be marked, but I am careful not to hang too much on a year.
A year is short.
A year is looong.
A “year” is invented for the comfort and convenience of our rational thinking.
And, there are also other ways to think and Be.
We’d all be better off connecting to that.