Photo by Aaron Taylor
Last night, I couldn’t fall asleep until I pulled the covers back and off of my body.
Can I just say, I am alarmed by how warm it is in New York City in mid-January. It feels good, sure, to wear my coat open, but my temporary comfort has a very, very high cost.
We are responsible — particularly since we now have a governing entity who does not believe in science. Each of us absolutely MUST step up in our lives by making changes to what we eat, wear, and use, use, use in order to give the next generations a fighting chance.
This has been my long-term goal with going essentialist. But judging by last night’s bedtime attire (a TANK TOP), my goal needs to come closer—FASTER.
What will you do?
Do you have a “one day” plan for how you’re going to adopt more earth-friendly practices?
Will you share your plan? I’d love to know how other people are helping reduce their impact on the environment.
In this consumer culture, it’s very easy to get confused about what truly matters. We can remind each other.
Will you show up for me?